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Who Are We

Community Health Promotion Services (CHPS) aims to prevent and reduce harms related to substance misuse and mental health disorders by maximizing the well-being of children, adolescents and families. Our team works in the Calgary Zone as a part of Alberta Health Services, Child & Adolescent Addiction, Mental Health & Psychiatry Programs (CAAMHPP)

Our Areas of Focus

Increase community connectedness
Shift attitudes and beliefs around substance use and mental health
Promote positive mental health

Why We Do What We Do

Evidence-Informed Practice

We design health promotion actions by customizing what we know works to the needs of our community.

Determinants of Health

We recognize health outcomes are shaped by the social, cultural, physical, and economic environment.


We prioritize having an equity-based lens throughout our work, believing everyone should have the opportunity to reach their full health potential.

Supportive Environments

We recognize health behaviors are not just individual choices, but also a reflection of the environments where people live, work and play. We work to improve the conditions these spaces so our children and youth can thrive!

Community Participation

We acknowledge successful health promotion activities must be carried out by and for people and their communities.